Criminal Code Twisted to ‘Justify’ Mar-a-Lago Raid as Politically Biased FBI Supervisor Shown the Door

Criminal Code Twisted to ‘Justify’ Mar-a-Lago Raid as Politically Biased FBI Supervisor Shown the Door By MIKE HUCKABEE via The Stream

Just a reminder before getting into the FBI update for today: As the revelations of corruption within the “Justice” Department grow ever more infuriating, the one real spark of hope the left have is that this might provoke us into behaving in some ill-advised way. Imagine how joyful the left would be if we gave them some phony excuse to crack down even more on so-called “domestic terrorism.” They’d love for this to happen, say, a week or two before the election. Don’t fall for it!

A Viciously Political Hit Man

That said, Timothy Thibault, the senior official at the FBI’s DC field office who’d been reassigned after information surfaced about his role in preventing the laptop investigation, has reportedly resigned or been fired — that’s still not clear — and was seen being escorted out of the building’s elevator by “two or three headquarters-looking types.” He’s a 25-year veteran of the Bureau.

The Washington Times has details about the viciously political social media posts he’d made. One was a retweet from the Lincoln Project calling President Trump “a psychologically broken, embittered and deeply unhappy man.” Thibault was apparently known for pushing out unvaccinated agents from the FBI’s “election squad,” on the assumption they were Trump supporters. (Editorial aside: That’s an interesting term, “election squad,” with some, shall we say, unflattering connotations.)

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In fact, one former FBI official who’d simply attended Trump’s January 6 rally — he did not enter the Capitol — was placed on indefinite suspension last year. As a whistleblower talking to the House Judiciary Committee, he said others in the FBI were treated similarly for attending the rally, even though it was on their own time. “Look,” the whistleblower said, “I think some of the executives that were involved in my indefinite suspension are the same cast of characters involved in pulling security clearances for conservative employees in retaliation for their disfavored political speech.”

In other words, Thibault is just one of a number of people who’ve been running the Bureau this way. I call his firing “a good start.”

Killing the Hunter Biden Laptop Story

The New York Post has details as well. When Thibault ordered the Hunter Biden laptop matter closed, it was the same month that Miranda Devine’s story first appeared there. Recall that her story was suppressed on social media — after a warning to Facebook from the FBI about an imminent “dump” of Russian propaganda — and in The New York Times and The Washington Post, and that 51 former intel officials signed a letter saying the story had classic earmarks of Russian disinformation. (There was never any evidence that it was Russian disinformation.) In other words, Thibault certainly wasn’t acting alone to kill the laptop story. At the moment, he appears to be the fall guy; there’s plenty of blame to go around.

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